
YASHA Pure Essentials is not just a name or ingredient list, it's a LIFESTYLE

For years, I was a product junkie who had to try the newest, prettiest and most popular product out on the market. I didn't think about the added chemicals & dyes those products included. They kept me from living a healthy and natural chemical free lifestyle.

The day I went NATURAL, I had to replace all of the old product I used on my hair and skin. All the products I thought were GOOD and SAFE, where full of harsh ingredients.

"I just wanted the GOOD, the PURE, and only the ESSENTIALS. I had to THINK...I had to SAVE myself from the dreaded ingredient lists."

Launched in 2021, Yasha Pure Essentials goal was to provide only 100% NATURAL & 100% PURE ingredients to help NOURISH and IMPROVE the hair & body.

Founder - Yasha Jones